We invest time in creating a unique bond between children, their families and a key person.

Each day includes special time for them to work in their small groups with targets that are tailored to meet the individual needs of those children.

Our sessions are largely split into academic years. 

Little Meadow prides itself in the depth of knowledge and experience of child development held by its staff.

Our staff continually train, reflect on practice and listen to the voice of the child. Everything they do and plan is evaluated based on the benefits to the children in each year’s cohort and this ensures we remain a progressive setting.

The setting provides a multi dimensional learning experience meandering over three rooms and a large wrap around outdoor area that is invited into the play rooms through large bi-fold doors. Being involved in the creation of the building from it’s very inception allowed staff to incorporate lots of glass to flood the rooms with natural light, room sizes that maximize space and neutral walls allowing for the children to display their creations taking ownership of their learning environment.

We believe it is important to create a supportive environment for our children where they are not only supported by the staff but also by their peer group. 

Our philosophy is to establish a safe, caring and stimulating educational environment that encourages and challenges each unique child to learn through carefully planned, individualised, rewarding and thought provoking play activities to help them reach their full potential.

The Key Person ultimately creates children’s reports and is the most knowledgeable about their children. They are available to speak to parents and each parent is provided with their personal email address to use should they need to.

Our groups are split into colours to allow the children to associate themselves with each other and respond when their colour is mentioned. Aspects of the resources are also coded using the same colour principal which allows for the children to relate and take ownership.

© Little Meadow Group | Website by Webterior
Registered Charity No. 1086999.