Rising 3's Session Information

Offering an opportunity for younger children to start to explore their early education in afternoon sessions specifically targeted to support their transition to the setting in a sensitive way. 

Experience has shown that for many children who are just adjusting to not having an afternoon nap or yet to venture to a setting without parents that this is adequate time for the children to enjoy their session.

By adopting this sessional style of nursery arrangement it allows the children to rehearse and adopt strategies particularly within their Personal Social and Emotional development that will support them throughout their educational Journey.

What do they do?

Whilst our sessions follow a plan, this is very fluid from day to day allowing the staff to adjust and adapt to meet the evolving needs of the children on each particular day.
The three prime areas of development are seamlessly intertwined to all we provide in order to capitalize on every opportunity to develop the children through their play and with them in control.

Sessions are two and a half hours long and offered to children between the ages of 2 & 3.

Little Meadow Rising 3’s runs 1-4 sessions a week, depending on the unique needs of the child.

  • Monday 12:30 – 15:00
  • Tuesday 12:30 – 15:00
  • Thursday 12:30 – 15:00
  • Friday 12:30 – 15:00


Each afternoon the children will experience the following activities interjected with activities that follow their lead:


How much does it cost?

Rising three’s will have a charge of £8.00 per hour for two year olds and £6.75 an hour for three year olds alongside a registration charge of £20.00, payable on confirmation of your child’s place. This covers the cost of setting up all the records and registrations along with the provision of book bags in both Rising 3’s and Rising 5’s.

Once your child becomes entitled to Nursery funding, any funding shortfall with Little Meadow is payable at £6.75 an hour,  in line with our Financial Agreement. We also charge a voluntary consumables charge of £1.00 per session for our Funded children.

We accept the Working Parent Entitlement funding and the government also operate a funding scheme for Achieving 2’s which has an assessment criterion. For further details please refer to the Family Information website at www.glosfamiliesdirectory.org.uk.

The term after your child’s 3rd birthday you will be able to access the Universal 15 hours a week free childcare and this is administered by the setting and in some cases you may also be entitled to claim a further 15 hours extended funding. Please see our fees and funding page or click here for further information.

Places can be paid for using a large number of company voucher scheme’s, please contact the office for further details.

How do I enrol my child?

You are encouraged to bring your little person for a visit to Little Meadow and see what we have to offer. No appointment is necessary as our belief is that it is important for children and parents to see us as we are each day. For this reason we operate an open door policy. On visiting the building and speaking to the administrator, once receiving our safety information, you will be escorted around the setting.

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. After your show around, you will be invited to complete an Expression of interest form which will then place your child on our waiting list and we will at this point discuss the process further with you.

Alternatively you can complete and return an Expression of Interest form from this site and either post it, email or bring it in to the office. You will then shortly after receive a letter from us confirming receipt and advising of the admissions process. We will keep in touch with you every step of the way.

Expression of Interest form


Does my child need a uniform?

At Little Meadow we do engage in some very messy activities and would hate any child to be prevented from accessing all that is on offer for fear of spoiling their clothes. For this reason a uniform is available but not compulsory. Uniform can be purchased from the setting office and is a lovely introduction to the children of wearing certain clothes at certain times.

Further information can be found on the uniform page.

© Little Meadow Group | Website by Webterior
Registered Charity No. 1086999.