What if my child has additional needs?

In 2014 the Department for education declared a vision for children with Special education Needs and Disabilities that they “achieve well in their early years to lead a contented and fulfilled life”. Since its inception, Little Meadow has always strived to ensure ALL children are considered, included and have equal opportunities in every session we offer.

All children are entitled to an education that enables them to achieve the best possible educational and other outcomes, and become confident young children with a growing ability to communicate their own views and ready to make the transition into compulsory education. Early Intervention is often the key to success especially when settings and parents work together to plan, review and celebrate children’s achievements and progress. Over the last ten years the Group has supported a large number of children with additional needs and this has allowed us to build up a supportive network of other professionals who attend the session to support children or train staff with new skills and knowledge. We actively embrace the Special Education Need Code of Conduct and the responsibility placed upon us by parents to be the voice of the child and champion their corner, ensuring they receive the very best support whilst they are part of the Little Meadow family.

What support will my family receive from the Little Meadow Group?

Once a need has been identified Little Meadow will work very closely with parents and carers and use a recognized format to monitor progress and ensure the right resources, skills and time is available to secure a positive outcome.

Little Meadow have a dedicated Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) Co-ordinator whose primary role is to ensure we are continually providing the very best for each unique set of needs a child may have. This can be a tricky time for families and the setting ensures that not only have we got time for our child’s needs but also to support and list to parents. Attending appointments, talking to the wider family or just being available for a coffee can often provide better outcomes for the child and their family unit.

Further Information

For further information regarding Gloucestershire’s approach to Special Educational Needs and Disability in Early Years, click here.

The National Autistic Society

SENDIASS Gloucestershire

Family Information Services

© Little Meadow Group | Website by Webterior
Registered Charity No. 1086999.