We invest time in creating a unique bond between children, their families and a key person.
We embrace every opportunity to motivate and challenge our little people whilst listening, supporting and involving the special people in their lives.
For many, joining Little Meadow represents the first rung on an educational journey and can, if sensitively delivered, motivate them to become lifelong learners. It is not about having immediate success but embracing a process, feeling valued and confident to try that brings long term success in all our little people do.

Latest Information
Finally the sun has come out and we are able to press on full steam ahead with our growing theme. Thank you to the the Gloucester Men’s Shed and Tesco for our new planters.
Easter is fast approaching and term 4 finishes for Rising 3’s on Thursday 10th April, whilst Rising 5’s finish on Friday 11th April. We all return to setting on Monday 28th April.
For all our Term dates and inset days please see the Term dates page above – although a reminder that we will be closed for Polling on Thursday 1st May 2025.
As always you can follow all our latest news on our Facebook Page, just click on the icon on the top right of this page.
Rising 3's
Sessions are two and a half hours long and offered to children between the ages of two and three.
Rising 5's
Often referred to as pre-school or playgroup, Children benefit from a three hour session up to 5 mornings per week.
Holiday Club
Runs on specific holidays to support those parents that are looking for a safe, secure and stimulating Holiday Club,
Out Of School
Our Out Of School Club provides a homely environment to children whose parents/carers need to work.